In paradisum... 

... était intitulé le dernier concert de l'ensemble vocal THE ART OF MUSIC en l'église St.Alphonse à Luxembourg.

Here you may listen to the title giving piece, first published in 1608 by the spanish composer Juan Esquivel (c. 1650-1625):

In paradisum deducant eum Angeli; 
in eius adventu 
suscipiant eum martyres, 
et perducant eum in civitatem 
sanctam Jerusalem. 
Chorus angelorum eum suscipiat, 
et cum Lazaro quondam paupere 
aeternam habeat requiem.

May the angels lead him into paradise; 
may the martyrs receive him 
and lead him to the holy 
city, Jerusalem. 
May choirs of angels receive him 
and with Lazarus, once a poor man, 
may he have eternal rest.


More music from AOM:

AOM 25 years - A Virtual Album

AOM bis (CDs vol I - vol IX)

(cliquer sur l'image pour obtenir des infos sur la dernière publication)


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